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Collection: Martial arts

There are so many different types of sports you could try. Many people go to the gym, but this is of course not for everyone. Would you like to do something different in the field of sports? Then try a martial art! This is a very fun way to exercise and also very useful because of everything you learn. Don't know much about martial arts yet? Below we would like to tell you more about different martial arts and their benefits.

What is martial arts?

The name martial art says it all, of course, but it might be nice to give a little explanation about this. In martial arts you practice by learning different techniques and principles that can help you defend yourself in an attack, for example. This may sound a bit crazy, but various martial arts such as boxing, for example, can still be very useful. In such a contact sport you will learn more about the traditions and techniques behind the martial arts.

For example, if you take up kickboxing, you will learn very well how to best hit someone or kick someone. While you're doing this, you're also training your body to build endurance and become stronger overall. That is why martial arts is a very good alternative for people who would like to do something different than just lifting weights in the gym.

Different forms of martial arts

When you decide to take up martial arts, there are many different martial arts to choose from. They are all different and each has its advantages and disadvantages, so there is a martial art that suits everyone. Below we have listed some of the most famous martial arts for you.


Kickboxing is a combat sport that we have of course already mentioned, but it is one of the most famous martial arts there are and it is the most famous sport in the Netherlands, partly thanks to our world-famous kickboxers who have already won many competitions. Many people sometimes wonder what the difference is between regular boxing and kickboxing. In kickboxing, athletes may also use their foot or leg to kick the other, while in boxing they may only fight with their hands.

One of the biggest benefits of kickboxing is that it gets you in such good shape. The training sessions are not mild and you will do many other exercises here than just hitting and kicking, which will greatly improve your fitness. It is also a bonus that you learn how to defend yourself in this martial art.


Another well-known martial art is karate. This name literally translates to 'empty hand' in Japanese, but this certainly does not fit the training you follow with this martial art. Karate is incredibly versatile and you not only learn the sport itself, but also a lot of discipline. You must be able to focus well while performing certain exercises, otherwise you will not succeed, and that is why you will also train your concentration, focus and patience extremely well when you learn karate.

During karate training you will soon notice that the focus is on different kicking, punching and parrying techniques. In some forms of karate you will even learn to wrestle, choke, clamp and throw. There are various forms of karate that you can practice, so you will definitely find something you like!


Finally, we would like to discuss MMA as a popular combat sport. This abbreviation stands for Mixed Martial Arts and the name actually says more than enough. In this sport, various other martial arts and techniques are combined in one sport. In MMA you not only learn how to punch or kick, but also how to wrestle. In addition, in an MMA match you are also allowed to fight on the ground, which is not allowed in boxing, and research has shown that this is even safer than boxing!

In an MMA training you will learn a lot of discipline and techniques from various martial arts. Many techniques are used from Judo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Thai boxing, Boxing and Taekwondo. All this makes martial arts incredibly versatile and you learn a lot from it!

The benefits of martial arts

Many people may think of broken bones and injuries when they think of martial arts. Although this naturally occurs in competitions, not everyone has to participate in competitions and there are many benefits associated with practicing a martial art. Below we have listed the most important benefits for you.

Burning calories

The big advantage for which most people often exercise; you burn a lot of calories by practicing a martial art. The exact number of calories ultimately depends on the precise intensity, but with some martial arts you can burn as many as 300 calories in just half an hour.

Better focus

Another big advantage to practicing martial arts that you don't really see at a gym is that you get much better focus. There has been a lot of research into this theme and it has shown that people who practice martial arts actually have better focus. It could even improve your memory. Martial arts is not only good for your physical health, but also for you mentally!

Mental health

Martial arts also have many benefits for your mental health. For example, people who practice martial arts are generally less stressed and anxious and have more self-confidence. Practicing martial arts can also lead to higher self-esteem and provide emotional stability, because you learn to control your emotions and mind.

More flexibility

Finally, doing a martial art can make your body more flexible. In karate or kickboxing, for example, you sometimes have to give a high kick and for this it is important that you are flexible. That is why many martial arts also work on your flexibility and you will naturally notice that you also become a lot more flexible.

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