Collection: Endurance sports

Are you one of those people who can continue exercising for a long time without any problem? Sometimes for hours? Or would you like to be able to do this? Then it is best to do endurance sports! This is extremely good for you and has many different benefits. Below we would like to tell you more about endurance sports, what you can do with it and what exactly its benefits are!

What is endurance sports?

First of all, it is important to know what endurance sports actually are. There are many different types of sports and endurance sports is one of these categories. In short, any sport that requires you to work for longer periods of time is an endurance sport. Half an hour is usually used as the time limit. So if you exercise for more than half an hour in a row, you are doing endurance sports.

However, endurance sports are not about the pace you maintain. For example, most people simply repeat a movement at a constant and often leisurely pace. Of course, for example, one can run faster if one is in better condition, but this is certainly not a requirement for endurance sports.

Different forms of endurance sports

If you would like to participate in endurance sports, there are many different sports you can try. Please do this! Exercise is extremely good for you and only becomes more fun if you find something you like. Below we have made a list of a number of sports that fall under endurance sports, so that you can try out what you like yourself!

To run

The most famous endurance sport is probably running. When you start running, you will soon discover that it is extremely good for your lungs and you can do it anywhere! You don't need much at all to start running; just buy a simple pair of running shoes and possibly sportswear to run in, if you have nothing else that is comfortable, and you are good to go!

It's also best to build up your running when you're just starting out, as it can be quite daunting to find yourself panting like a horse within just a few minutes. That is why we recommend running in intervals; run for a few minutes and then walk again for a minute. This way you can build up your running slowly and it remains fun!


Another super fun endurance sport is swimming. Who doesn't like this? We're not talking about hanging out in a pool with your friends, but about swimming laps. While swimming you contract many different muscles and you also train your lungs, because of course you are partly submerged with your head. There are different strokes you can do when swimming and you can also try all kinds of technique exercises if you want to improve your technique!


Of course, you could always go cycling or cycling. Most Dutch people have a bicycle, so you can also just cycle if you prefer not to invest in cycling equipment (yet). The great thing about cycling is that you can easily integrate it into your everyday life. For example, you can cycle to work. It may not be an endurance sport, but every little bit helps and this will certainly ensure that you can improve your fitness!

To walk

Do you still find it too hard to run or is this just not for you? Then just try to go for a walk several times a week. Walking is also extremely good for you and is also less stressful on your muscles and joints, making it very easy for anyone to start. For example, take a nice evening walk after dinner, do it during your break to regain energy or start with a brisk walk in the morning for a good start to your day!


If you are a real die hard, you will probably want to try triathlon! This is a combination of a number of different sports and there are also various competitions and marathons that you can participate in. In a triathlon you usually start with a swim, after which you continue on the bike and finally finish with a run. However, a triathlon is extremely tough and you have to train well for it first, but once you have done it, you will notice that it was definitely worth it!

The benefits of endurance sports

Why should you actually try endurance sports? There are many benefits to doing endurance sports and to convince you further, we have listed some of the most important benefits for you below!

Stronger lungs

One of the biggest and best-known benefits of endurance sports is that it improves your lung function. Your lungs have to constantly work hard during endurance sports, which ultimately makes them stronger. The great effort also ensures that your lung volume will increase, which also reduces your risk of lung diseases such as asthma, for example.


Did you know that endurance sports can also have an anti-inflammatory effect? When exercising for a longer period of time, your muscles will not only burn sugar, but also fat. Because you ultimately have less fat mass in your body, your body can also better protect you against chronic inflammation. If you have too many fat cells, they will stimulate the production of inflammatory substances. This can lead to various inflammations or, for example, persistent fatigue.

Good for the heart

Not only your lungs, but also your heart and blood vessels will have to work harder if you exert your body for a longer period of time. This causes your body to create new blood vessels to 'pass on' oxygen and nutrients more efficiently. This way your heart will always stay strong and young!

Better memory

Finally, participating in endurance sports can lead to a better memory. Research has shown that exercise stimulates a growth factor in your brain, which allows your working memory to grow. So by doing endurance sports several times a week, you can prevent cognitive decline.