How does Fatburner work and what are the benefits?

There are of course many different reasons why people start exercising. However, one of the most common reasons is usually to lose weight. Of course exercise is very important, but nutrition also plays a major role in this. In addition, there are also all kinds of supplements that you can use to help you lose weight, such as Fatburner. But what exactly is Fatburner and how does it work? And what are the advantages of this? Below we would like to tell you everything about Fatburner!

What exactly is Fatburner?

Fatburner is therefore a dietary supplement that many people use to lose weight. The idea behind this Fatburner, or fat burner in Dutch, is that they ensure that your body can burn fat better and faster. It is also assumed that Fatburners can increase your energy consumption, so that you burn more calories during exercise, for example. A Fatburner is a supplement that allows you to lose weight faster and easier.

How does Fatburner actually work?

Lose weight simply by taking a supplement; it almost sounds too good to be true. So, how does a Fatburner actually work? This ultimately depends on which Fatburner you have, because they all work a little differently. However, most Fatburners simply ensure that your metabolism works faster. This way your body will also burn fat faster. There are also Fatburners that companies have formulated in such a way that your cells can release more fatty acids. Finally, there are Fat Burners that can manipulate the enzymes in your body to control fat loss and gain in your body.

Although different Fatburners may work differently, many of the ingredients are usually the same. The main ingredients used are there to stimulate certain hormonal reactions in your body. This then leads to the breakdown of fat and to use specific fat as fuel during exercise, for example.

The most common ingredients of Fatburner


L-Carnitine is one of the most common ingredients of Fatburners. This is a substance that is generally used quite a lot by athletes. This substance is not only used to burn more fat, but at the same time also to increase performance. This amino acid is produced by your liver and kidneys and consists of 2 other amino acids, methionine and lysine. Once you have produced or ingested this substance, it is stored in your body in your skeletal muscles. This substance then helps to transport longer chain fatty acids to the mitochondria of your cells. From here it helps to supply energy to your body again and the by-products are removed.

The L-Carnitine helps you to burn fat, because it can easily guide the fat you ingest to the cells where it is then burned for you. There have even been studies into the work of this substance and it has been shown that L-Carnitine can really increase the amount of fat you burn during exercise. In addition, it reduces your muscle pain and ensures better blood circulation in your body.


Another common ingredient in Fatburners is caffeine. This stimulant is of course already regularly used in sports supplements, such as Pre-workout for example, because it increases your energy level and ensures better alertness. In addition, the caffeine in Fatburner also increases your metabolism. This will cause you to use fat as fuel more quickly, which means you will also lose fat faster. The additional advantage is of course that you will have more energy due to the caffeine and can therefore exercise harder, which will also help you lose weight faster.

Citrus aurantium

GT Nutrition's Fatburner contains citrus aurantium, among other things. This is a citrus fruit that originates in Southeast Asia. This plant is often also called the sour or bitter orange. There are various substances in this plant that have medicinal properties, but it is especially popular among Fat Burners.

Citrus aurantium works well as a stimulant to increase fat burning in your body. Citrus aurantium contains a lot of synephrine. This actually works the same as adrenaline and norepinephrine and these hormones make your body very alert. This state of readiness will ensure that every part of your body will function optimally, allowing your body to release energy so that it can take action. The synephrine removes this energy from your body fat, so you can burn fat better and faster.

Green tea extract

Green tea may be an ingredient that most people would not expect in a Fatburner, but this product still has an extremely good effect when it comes to fat burning! Green tea contains catechins and these are essential to help you burn fat. Various studies have shown that these substances are perfect to help you burn belly fat. They block an enzyme that breaks down the substances adrenaline and norepinephrine. These substances stimulate your metabolism and prevent your body from storing fat as much as possible.

The green tea extract in Fatburners is there to help other substances burn fat and at the same time ensures that your body stores less fat. In addition to using Fatburner, you could also drink green tea regularly, so that you get more of these substances.

Also try the Fatburner from GT Nutrition!

Would you also like to lose weight faster? Or have you been working in the gym for a long time, but are you still not seeing any results? Then try the Fatburner from GT Nutrition! This will burn all your excess fat in no time. Thanks to the high-quality formula used in the formulation of the product, you will be able to achieve your fitness goals in no time.

In the Fatburner from GT Nutrition you will find several important ingredients, such as vitamins B3, B6 and B12, tyrosine, citrus aurantium and caffeine. To use GT Nutrition's Fatburner, you only need to take 1 to 3 capsules per day with water during a meal. When you combine this with a healthy diet and regular exercise, you will certainly achieve the body of your dreams in no time!

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