The effect of sugar on your body and sports performance

You now hear more and more people talking about how they decided to stop eating sugar and how good this makes them feel. Yet something like this is not so easily done; After all, sugar can be found in almost every type of food. And we certainly know that sugar is bad for us, but what does it do to your body? And what is the effect of sugar on your sports performance? Below we would like to tell you more about the effect of sugar on your body and on your sports performance.

What does sugar do to your body?

As mentioned, sugar is a common ingredient in our food. In addition to the fact that sugar is often tasty, such as in soft drinks or sweets, sugar also gives our body energy. However, eating too much of this can lead to negative effects on your health and well-being. Sugar is quickly broken down by the body into glucose, the primary fuel of our cells. This causes your blood sugar level to rise very quickly.

This directly leads to us experiencing a peak in energy, thanks to the large amount of sugar that you suddenly ingest. Although this peak is of course very nice, there is always a crash a while later, which makes you very tired and irritable. Regularly eating too much sugar can also cause weight gain, because although glucose is the primary energy source, the excess is converted into fat and our body stores it.

In addition, consuming too much sugar can cause insulin resistance, which increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance occurs when cells no longer respond to insulin as they should, causing high blood sugar levels.

Another consequence of eating too much sugar is that it has an impact on your heart. Too much sugar can increase your risk of heart disease by contributing to inflammation, obesity and elevated blood triglycerides.

Although sugar can have several adverse effects if you consume too much, sugar is not always necessarily bad. For example, fruit also contains sugar and it is very important that you eat fruit every day. Therefore, choose natural sugar sources, such as fruit, and try to limit the amount of sugars in processed foods for better health.

The effect of sugar on your sports performance

Of course, when it comes to exercise, sugar also has a number of effects on us; both positive and negative. In the short term, sugar can be very useful to give you an immediate energy boost, which will also briefly improve your performance. Sugar has the best effect on intensive and short-term activities, such as sprinting or weight lifting. Carbohydrates, of which sugar is also a form, are quickly broken down into glucose and this is an important fuel for our muscles during exercise. This is why you sometimes see powerlifters eating sweets between their sets, to provide an energy boost from sugar during their lifts.

Athletes often eat sugar just before training or competition to replenish glycogen stores and provide immediately available energy. In this way, their endurance improves for a short time and they can postpone fatigue, which also allows them to perform better in the gym or during a competition, for example.

However, eating too much sugar can have a negative effect on sports performance. For example, excessive sugar consumption can cause a rise in blood sugar levels, followed by a sharp drop, which can make you tired very quickly and reduce your ability to perform at a high level. Too much sugar intake can also cause weight gain and insulin resistance, which in the long term can increase your risk of injuries and even hinder your sports performance.

Therefore, always be aware of your sugar intake and balance it with other nutrients, such as proteins and healthy fats. It is also best to choose complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruit, instead of refined sugars, to maintain a stable energy supply and improve your overall performance.

The 5 best foods for your sugar intake:


The best source of natural sugars is of course fruit. In addition to fructose, it also contains various fibers, vitamins and minerals. Eating fruit instead of drinking fruit juice, for example, will moderate your sugar intake while still benefiting from all the nutrients and fiber that fruit contains.


Did you know that some vegetables, such as carrots, beets and sweet potatoes, also contain natural sugars? They are also rich in fiber and various other nutrients. By regularly eating vegetables as a snack or in your meals you provide some extra sweetness, without eating too much sugar.

Dairy products

Dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, contain lactose; a natural sugar. In addition to the sugars they contain, these foods are also rich in protein, calcium and other nutrients that are extremely important for the health of your bones and muscles. Preferably choose unsweetened dairy products to avoid added sugars.

Nuts and seeds

Although there isn't much sugar in nuts and seeds, they are still the perfect way to add a little natural sweetness to your meals and snacks. They are also a good source of healthy fats, proteins and fiber, making this the right snack when you are looking for a healthy snack.


Finally, oatmeal can help you very well if you want to limit your sugar intake. Although oatmeal naturally contains little sugar, this fiber-rich food does provide energy for a longer period of time and can be combined very well with fruit, nuts or seeds, for example. This way you can create a nutritious and healthy breakfast that is not only filling, but also very tasty, without consuming too much sugar.

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