The 8 benefits of exercise!

Everyone knows by now that exercise is extremely good for you. Whether you do it for relaxation, because you enjoy it or because you want to get back in shape; sport and exercise are extremely important for everyone! However, there are more benefits to exercise than you might initially think. Do you not yet exercise yourself or are you not yet a fanatical athlete? Below we have listed the 8 benefits of exercising to persuade you to exercise (more)!

Good against stress

Apart from the fact that exercise causes your body to burn calories, it also has the advantage that it reduces stress. During exercise, our body produces more endorphins and serotonin. These substances are both known as happiness hormones and for good reasons! These hormones ensure a better mood. The endorphins themselves also have an analgesic and even calming effect. This will not only make you happier in everyday life, but you will also be able to deal with stress more easily and better!

Benefits for your brain and memory

Did you know that exercise also has all kinds of benefits for your brain and even your memory? There have been many studies into the effect of exercise on the brain and the results are very positive. Although researchers do not yet know exactly why, it has been established that the brain experiences benefits when you exercise regularly. For example, it may be because more oxygen reaches your brain during exercise, because the exercise itself promotes blood circulation. This will not only make your brain work better, but your memory will also improve!

Stronger bones

As you may already know, your bone density decreases after the age of 30. Bone density is extremely important to keep the bones strong and ensures that they break less quickly. After the age of thirty, your bones unfortunately become increasingly brittle, but fortunately regular exercise can counteract this! By regularly loading your body, and therefore also your bones, your bones can become stronger and remain so. Running would be best for this because this is a sport where your bones have to support your weight.

More social contacts

A nice additional advantage of exercising is that it can help you build more social contacts. For example, join a sports club for a sport you like! Here you are guaranteed to meet all kinds of nice new people. You can of course also join a walking or running club if this seems more fun to you. Even if you go to the gym, you can connect with other members who also exercise there. In short; exercising can also do wonders for your social interactions!

Healthy heart

Your heart is naturally taxed during exercise. However, this is actually a good thing! Exercise ensures that you can train your heart, so that it ultimately becomes stronger. Regular exercise can reduce the risk of various heart diseases. Exercise prevents blockages in the arteries and lowers your blood pressure. The risk of diabetes, obesity, arteriosclerosis and increased cholesterol levels is also reduced, keeping your heart healthy.

Less menstrual pain

This advantage is not so convincing for men, but for women it can make a very big difference. Regular exercise and exercise can significantly reduce premenstrual pain in women. This is said to be because the body produces extra endorphins, which have an analgesic and calming effect. In addition, it is recommended to still exercise during your period. In the last phase of the menstrual cycle, your body would burn more fat and you would get tired less quickly!

Good for digestion

If you exercise regularly, your digestion will also benefit. Exercise is good for digestion and prevents possible constipation or bloating. It is also good to exercise if you already suffer from this, because by exercising, this problem can be solved. So if you quickly suffer from constipation or if you simply want to further improve digestion, it is a good idea to exercise regularly! Go for a nice walk or take out a gym membership. In principle, it doesn't matter much what kind of sport you do, as long as you get some exercise!

More energy

This last advantage may sound a bit contradictory, but it is true. If you exercise regularly, you will really have more energy in everyday life! Your body will get going by exercising. That sluggish feeling you sometimes have where you just can't get yourself off the couch? Fortunately, this goes away when you eventually take the step to exercise more often. When exercising, your heart and lungs have to work hard, which improves your blood circulation and gets your body going. Once you have started exercising regularly for a few weeks, you will notice that you suddenly have much more energy and feel like doing things again.

If you find it difficult to get into the habit of exercising, fortunately there are still a few things you can do. For example, you can schedule fixed sports moments for yourself or arrange with someone to exercise together. This not only makes exercising more fun, but it also makes you less likely to cancel if you don't feel like it.

Try GT Nutrition supplements to get the most out of your workouts!

Do you really want to get the most out of your workouts? Then try the supplements from GT Nutrition! For example, is your goal to build more muscle mass? Then use the Whey protein supplement to easily reach your daily protein goal. Do you want to have more energy and strength during your training? Then try one of our tasty Pre-workout flavors! Whatever your goal when exercising, at GT Nutrition we are happy to help you get the most out of your training and yourself!

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