Everything about Omega 3 and its benefits!

You are probably already aware that your body needs nutrients. For example, you need proteins, carbohydrates and all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Your body also needs fats, such as Omega 3 for example. Omega 3 is extremely important for your body and even has all kinds of different benefits. Are you not sure what Omega 3 exactly is? Below we would like to tell you everything about Omega 3 and its benefits!

What exactly is Omega 3?

First of all, it is important to know what Omega 3 is. Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid. This means that our body cannot produce this fatty acid itself and we therefore have to get it from our diet. This fatty acid is also a polyunsaturated fat, making it one of the 'healthy' fats that our body needs. Omega 3 comes in different forms, such as short chains and long chains Omega 3. However, the most common forms are the long chains and these contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These two are extremely important for the health of our eyes and brain and for the cells in our body. These fatty acids often occur naturally in algae that are then eaten by fish, which is why Omega 3 is often known as fish oil.

Why is Omega 3 important?

Omega 3 is extremely important to keep our body healthy and to ensure that it functions properly. As mentioned, EPA and DHA are linked to the health of the cells in your body, your eyes and your brain. That is why it is important to get enough Omega 3 every day. However, this is not always easy, as your body cannot produce it itself and you therefore have to get it from food. Fortunately, at GT Nutrition we have an Omega 3 nutritional supplement that can help you with this!

The benefits of Omega 3!

When you take the Omega 3 nutritional supplement daily, there are many different benefits. Below we have listed the most important benefits of Omega 3 for you!

Healthier eyes

One of the benefits of Omega 3 is that it can improve the health of your eyes. DHA is one of the most important building blocks for the retina of your eyes. If you don't get enough DHA, you could have problems with your vision. That is why it is important to get enough Omega 3 so that the health of your eyes is optimal. 

Against depression and anxiety

Did you know that Omega 3 helps against depression and anxiety? Research has shown that people who consume sufficient Omega 3 generally have less chance of depression. In fact, several studies have shown that people with depression or anxiety noticed a reduction in their symptoms after taking Omega 3 supplements!

Reduces symptoms of ADHD

Another surprising benefit of Omega 3 is that it can reduce the symptoms of ADHD! ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, so improved brain function will always help. Research has shown that both children and adults with ADHD have lower levels of Omega 3 fatty acids in their bodies. Taking the Omega 3 supplement improves brain function and reduces the symptoms of ADHD. For example, Omega 3 helps reduce hyperactivity, aggression, restlessness and impulsiveness.

Fights autoimmune diseases

Another benefit of Omega 3 is that it helps fight autoimmune diseases. In autoimmune diseases, your immune system mistakes healthy cells as foreign cells and attacks them. Research has shown that people are less likely to develop autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes 1, for example, if they consume enough of this nutrient in the first year of life. In addition, fish oil appears to help with psoriasis, lupus, Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Improves psychological disorders

Omega 3 can also help improve psychological disorders. Research has shown that people with psychiatric disorders generally have a lower level of Omega 3 in their bodies. The theory was then tested and it turned out that taking Omega 3 nutritional supplements can ensure that people experience fewer mood swings and that relapses occur less often in people with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.

Good for muscle building

Finally, Omega 3 can be extremely good for your muscle building! It has been shown that EPA and DHA can increase your body's sensitivity to insulin. This is a hormone that essentially has the same properties as anabolic steroids. This makes it an excellent supplement to contribute to building your muscle mass. The Omega 3 nutritional supplement can also be useful during recovery. Your body needs more DHA and EPA if you exercise regularly and, together with the consumption of proteins, Omega 3 ensures that your muscle tissue recovers.

Try the Omega 3 supplement from GT Nutrition!

Are you now convinced of all the benefits of Omega 3? Then try the Omega 3 nutritional supplement from GT Nutrition! This way you can easily contribute to better muscle building and you can also enjoy all the other benefits that come with this important supplement!

Do you want to ensure that your body can really grow optimally? Then take a look at our other supplements. For example, whey protein is perfect to help you with muscle recovery and creatine ensures that your muscles have more energy for longer, so you can train harder!

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